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Better Email

A better email
uses 35% fewer words.

By February 8, 2023February 10th, 2023No Comments

A shorter read with thoughtful graphics improves understanding and enhances company brand image.


Admit it. We all scan our personal email with a glance at the sender and a nanosecond read of the subject line. If opened (and that’s a big ‘if’) the content has to get to the point – fast.

Here is a real email I received (sender identity changed) that proved to be a great example of how to create a better communicating, more customer friendly email.



The headline is not as specific as it needs to be. The electric company provider is specifically wanting to call out weekday savings. So put it in the headline.

Time blocks are much easier visualized than read. A simple graphic replaces many words and prepositional phrases.

And who is this from?  A graphic icon? Not customer care? Not a person? Do they care? A face makes the reader feel the company is much more approachable and friendly.

The result is you have an email with 35% fewer words that communicates faster and friendlier.

Here is the copy before / after:

I am here to help. From simple edits to customer communications strategy and execution – words matter. 


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